Important Safety Alerts

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Safety Alerts and Communications

Important Safety Alerts

Important Safety Alerts

Medical Device Safety Alert: BD Eclipse Needle

11 Jan 2017

Medical device manufacturer, BD, has issued a medical device safety alert concerning its Eclipse Needle. (Catalogue numbers: 302811, 302812, 302813, 302814, 302815, 302816, 302817, 302818, 305757, 305758, 305759, 305761, 305762, 305763, 305764, 305765, 305766, 305767, 305768, 305769, 305775, 305776, 305778, 305779, 305780, 305781, 305782, 305783, 305784, 305785, 305786, 305787, 305788, 305789, 305790, 305791, 305792, 305793, 305794, 305795, 305796, 305797, 364389, 364390, 364391, 364393, 365059, 365061, 30281864, 30281364, 30281464, 30281564, 30281664, 30281764, 30281864)

The manufacturer has received reports of safety cover disengagement and needlestick injury (NSI) for the BD Eclipse Needle..

Some customer reports indicate an audible "click" sound before the safety cover is locked (activated) followed by a second "click" sound when the safety cover is locked over the needle. This may potentially increase the risk of NSI if the user assumes the safety cover is locked after the initial "click".

The manufacturer advises customers to be aware of this matter and follow the instructions for use. The manufacturer is actively working on implementing corrective actions.

According to the local supplier, the affected products are distributed in Hong Kong.

If you are in possession of the affected products, please contact your supplier for necessary actions.

Posted on 11 January 2017

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