Important Safety Alerts
Medical Device Safety Alert: Roche Diagnostics cobas c 501 module and cobas c 502 module
20 Jul 2017
Medical device manufacturer, Roche Diagnostics, has issued a medical device safety alert concerning its Ultrasonic Mixer Cover (USM cover 3) [Catalogue number: 05400937001]. The affected systems are cobas c 501 module [Catalogue number: 04745914001] and cobas c 502 module [Catalogue number: 05964067001].
The manufacturer informed users that an operator was injured during a maintenance task, when removing the Ultrasonic Mixer Cover (USM cover 3) of a cobas c 502 module.
Considering that cobas c 501 and cobas c 502 modules share the same hardware, the manufacturer decided to inform and request operators of both systems to perform the related maintenance task with special caution, so as to prevent further occurrence of the issue.
When the operator cleans the incubation bath or replaces cuvettes on cobas c 501 and cobas c 502 modules, during monthly maintenance, the USM cover 3 has to be removed and its two thumb screws have to be loosened.
According to the manufacturer, the affected product was launched in 2006, this was the only one incident has been reported.
The manufacturer advises customers not to overtighten the thumb screws when replacing the cover after maintenance. When removing the screws for maintenance avoid touching the edge of the USM Cover 3.
A warning will be added to the respective operator manuals:-
- The cobas c 501 module is bound to the cobas 6000 analyzer series Operator's Manual.
- The cobas c 502 module is bound to the cobas 8000 modular analyzer series Operator's Manual.
According to the local supplier, the affected products are distributed in Hong Kong.
If you are in possession of the affected products, please contact your supplier for necessary actions.
Posted on 20 July 2017