Important Safety Alerts

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Safety Alerts and Communications

Important Safety Alerts

Important Safety Alerts

Triad Group Issues a Voluntary Nationwide Recall of All Lots of Alcohol Prep Pads, Alcohol Swabs, and Alcohol Swabsticks Due to Potential Microbial Contamination

07 Jan 2011

It has come to our attention that FDA has issued a recall on ALL lots of Alcohol Prep Pads, Alcohol Swabs, and Alcohol Swabsticks manufactured by Triad Group on 6 Jan 2011 (Link: concerning the potential contamination of the products with Bacillis cereus.

According to FDA, this recall involves those products marked as STERILE as well as non-sterile products. The affected products can be identified by either "Triad Group", the manufacturer or the products are manufactured for third parties and the names listed below in their packaging :

  • Cardinal Health
  • PPS Select
  • VersaPro
  • Boca/Ultilet
  • Moore Medical
  • Walgreens
  • CVS
  • Conzellin

While the FDA mentioned that these products are distributed in the United States, Canada and Europe, DH is following up on the matter to see if there are other private labels manufactured by Triad and distributed in Hong Kong.

Use of contaminated Alcohol Prep Pads, Alcohol Swabs or Alcohol Swabsticks could lead to life-threatening infections, especially in at risk populations, including immune suppressed and surgical patients. Healthcare providers are encouraged to report to DH any suspected adverse events in patients after using the above products through email: or fax: (852) 3157 1286

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