Important Safety Alerts

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Safety Alerts and Communications

Important Safety Alerts

Important Safety Alerts

Field Safety Alert: Gemstar docking station (model number: 13075)

22 Sep 2011

It comes to our attention that Hospira Limited HK alerted the healthcare professionals and customers that complaints related to fluid ingress into the Gemstar docking station (model number: 13075) have been received from December 2008 to July 2011.

Hospira requests healthcare professionals and customers to follow the guidelines below for continued use of their docking station while Hospira is in process of developing design improvements to mitigate this risk:

  • Do not hang or place fluid containers over the docking station where they could leak fluid on the device;
  • Do not spray fluid, such as cleaning solution, directly on the docking station; and
  • Clean the docking station using a cloth dampened with an approved cleaning solution

According to the local supplier, the product has been distributed to local hospitals and the local supplier has informed the hospitals for observing these guidelines. So far no complaint is received related to this alert.

Hospira is in the process of developing design improvements to mitigate this risk. If you are in possession of the affected product, please contact your supplier for necessary actions.

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