Important Safety Alerts
Field Safety Notice: Etac Avant, Avant LW and Salsa
08 Mar 2012
It comes to our attention that there were 4 registered incidents involving the walker Avant and 1 registered incident involving the walker Salsa manufactured by Etac Supply Center due to wheels coming off in ten year period.
When delivered from Etac, the wheels are mounted on each axle and fastened with a spring-loaded ring, called a lock ring. The lock ring is placed in a groove in the axle, thereby preventing the wheels coming off. When assembling or changing the wheels it is possible to open the lock ring too much, which causes a loss of its springing quality, and then cannot be fastened properly. Another error may occur if the lock ring is mounted without ensuring that it fits into the groove all the way around the axle. Both of these assembling errors may give the impression that the wheels are properly fastened, but such wheel can come off if it gets struck or hits an obstacle that affects the wheel sideways.
If you are in possession of the affected product, please contact your supplier for necessary actions.